Open-source design efforts
Open Source COVID19 Medical Supplies, is a key group that is crowdsourcing solutions to address the diminishing stock of medical equipment around the world. They are mobilizing thousands of doctors, engineers, professional fabricators and makers all over the world to generate open source medical supply plans, build a library of medical supply requirements and designs, and create distributable plans for organizing effective local response to medical supply chain interruption. Here are some ways you can learn more and get involved.
[icon name=”arrow-circle-right” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Open Source COVID Medical Supplies Guide
[icon name=”arrow-circle-right” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Open Source COVID Facebook Group
[icon name=”arrow-circle-right” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] How to Start Your Own Group
An aggregated list of Manufacturing related COVID-19 Open Source Projects and Resources compiled by Dragon Innovation
[icon name=”arrow-circle-right” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] DragonInnovation
Join a global coalition of makers, engineers, and manufacturers collaborating with medical professionals to provide healthcare workers with the PPE they need to continue the COVID-19 fight
[icon name=”arrow-circle-right” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] GetUsPPE.org
Join a coalition of footwear, retail and beauty brands led by Rothy’s who are sharing materials and open sourcing patterns to produce and distribute PPE.
[icon name=”arrow-circle-right” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Open Innovation Coalition
Design Review and Validation
To support designs and products that are safe and reliable in a health care setting, America Makes, in collaboration with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has launched the COVID-19 Health Care Needs and Additive Manufacturing (AM) Capabilities Repository, where additive manufacturers can upload 3D print designs to be reviewed and placed on the NIH 3D Print Exchange.
[icon name=”arrow-circle-right” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Check out the dedicated America Makes page
Manufacturing on demand
What do you need help making? As the situation surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic continues to develop, there is a growing need for supplies to protect medical workers and first responders. Many of these devices (or parts for them) can be 3D printed, molded, or machined. With a network of over 4,000 manufacturing facilities around the world, Xometry stands ready to help make the supplies that are so desperately needed.
Fictiv is a Global Manufacturing Ecosystem that delivers quality parts at unprecedented speeds for engineers and supply chain managers. Get an instant quote through their easy-to-use cloud platform.
[icon name=”arrow-circle-right” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]Fictiv
Fast Radius is helping the medical community respond to the coronavirus pandemic by manufacturing critical PPE and supplies for first responders.
[icon name=”arrow-circle-right” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]Fast Radius
Through Ultimaker.com, hospitals can learn the location of available 3D printing support nearby. 3D printing hubs, experts, and designers can register on ultimaker.com to be directly contacted by hospitals for advise and support on creating and obtaining the parts they need most.
[icon name=”arrow-circle-right” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Ultimaker
Digital platform for electronics manufacturing from prototype to high scale production, with a network of factories across North America.
[icon name=”arrow-circle-right” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] MacroFab
Dragon Innovation (acquired by Avnet in 2017) provides solutions for the fastest, simplest, and safest way for companies to manage manufacturing complex products at scale. We help you plan and execute your manufacturing strategy as you launch complex products through ongoing production and beyond.
[icon name=”arrow-circle-right” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] DragonInnovation
Formlabs is working closely with health systems, government agencies, and our network of over 3,000 user volunteers to design, prototype, and produce parts, including nasal swabs and PPE utilizing stereolithography.
[icon name=”arrow-circle-right” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Formlabs
We are actively working with local medical services to develop products to help front line workers stay safe. Applying our combination of engineering, design and manufacturing skills to produce machined and moulded components.
[icon name=”arrow-circle-right” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Ignite Digi
Safety goggles and facial mask adjusters are key medical PPE supplies and tools for fighting COVID-19. Farsoon now shares the designs for all to download and produced from your home or local facilities.
[icon name=”arrow-circle-right” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Farsoon
People Power ISAIC, Industrial Sewing and Innovation Center. As a non-profit, we are committed to people. Right now that means producing PPE to help safeguard people who are helping us all. Order Protective Disposable Gowns and Protective Pleated Masks to protect your people while supporting our mission of talentforce development for domestic apparel manufacturing.
[icon name=”arrow-circle-right” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] ISAIC
Tech2B is a B2B platform for the entire manufacturing industry, to accelerate digitalization, standardization and security, aiming to cause improved communication and collaboration. The community is composed of demand and supply businesses across Western Europe.
[icon name=”arrow-circle-right” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Tech2B
Get the software
To help you get started with design and manufacturing, you can access a free trial of Fusion 360.